Can You Drink Coffee While Wearing Invisalign?


Can You Drink Coffee While Wearing Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces. It uses clear, removable aligners to gradually move your teeth into the correct position. These aligners are nearly invisible and custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly. They offer a discreet way to achieve a straighter smile.

Coffee and Invisalign Aligners

Coffee is a beloved beverage for many. But can you enjoy your morning cup while wearing Invisalign aligners? The short answer is no, you should not drink coffee with your aligners in. Here’s why:

  • Staining: Coffee can stain your aligners, making them more noticeable. It can also stain your teeth if the coffee gets trapped between the aligners and your teeth.
  • Heat Damage: Hot coffee can warp the plastic aligners, affecting their fit and effectiveness.
  • Sugar and Cream: Adding sugar and cream can increase the risk of tooth decay if the residue gets trapped in your aligners.

Can You Drink Water with Invisalign

How to Enjoy Coffee During Invisalign Treatment

You don’t have to give up coffee entirely. Here’s how you can still enjoy it:

  1. Remove Aligners: Take out your aligners before drinking coffee.
  2. Brush or Rinse: After finishing your coffee, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water before putting the aligners back in.
  3. Time Management: Ensure you wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day. Plan your coffee breaks accordingly.

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Other Beverages to Consider


Like coffee, tea can stain your aligners and teeth. If you enjoy tea, follow the same steps: remove the aligners, drink your tea, and clean your teeth before reinserting the aligners.

Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks like sodas and juices are not advisable with aligners. They can cause tooth decay and damage the aligners. Always remove your aligners before drinking these beverages and rinse your mouth afterward.

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Alcoholic beverages, especially those with sugar or dark colours, can stain and damage your aligners. If you drink alcohol, remove your aligners and clean your teeth before putting them back in.

Safe Beverages with Invisalign


Water is the best beverage to drink while wearing Invisalign. It keeps you hydrated and helps maintain oral hygiene. Drinking water with your aligners in is perfectly safe and recommended.

Sparkling Water

You can drink sparkling water in moderation. However, some sparkling waters are acidic, which can erode tooth enamel. It’s best to stick with plain water most of the time.

can you chew gum with invisalign

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas that are not too dark or acidic can be consumed, but it’s still better to remove your aligners to avoid any risk of staining.

Maintenance Tips for Invisalign Aligners

Proper maintenance of your aligners is crucial for successful treatment. Here are some tips:

  • Daily Cleaning: Clean your aligners daily with a soft toothbrush and clear, antibacterial soap. Avoid toothpaste as it can be abrasive.
  • Rinse Regularly: Rinse your aligners with lukewarm water throughout the day.
  • Soak Aligners: Use Invisalign cleaning crystals or a denture cleaner to soak your aligners once a day. This helps remove bacteria and keeps them fresh.
  • Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners to maintain good oral hygiene.

Potential Challenges and Solutions


Wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours a day is crucial. Non-compliance can prolong the treatment time and affect results. Set reminders to help you remember to reinsert your aligners after eating or drinking.


Some discomfort is normal when starting a new set of aligners. This usually subsides after a few days. If the discomfort persists, consult your orthodontist.


You might notice a slight lisp when you first start wearing aligners. This usually improves as you get used to wearing them.

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Expert Insights

Orthodontists recommend Invisalign for its effectiveness and convenience. They stress the importance of compliance and regular check-ups to monitor progress. Following the guidelines on drinking and maintaining your aligners will help you achieve the best results.


Avoid coffee with your Invisalign aligners. To enjoy your drink, follow these steps: remove the aligners, brush or rinse your teeth, and wear the aligners for the recommended hours. By taking care of your aligners and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can achieve a beautiful, healthy smile. If you have any concerns, consult your orthodontist for personalised advice.

For expert Invisalign treatment, visit Old Town Dental Care today!